Solanum lycopersicum
Brand: Seklos
Packaged:10 s.
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 3.45€
Tomato''Abellus'' F1.
Fruits are flat-rounded, bright red, glossy, weighing 140-160 g.
Fruit set in extreme conditions is very high. The fruits are flat-round, bright red, glossy, weighing 140-160 g.
Compared to other hybrids, it forms 1-2 more brushes. It is recommended for cultivation both in film and heated greenhouses. It also shows excellent results when grown with support in open ground.
Resistant to cracking and disease: ToMV: 0-2 / Ff: A-E / Fol: 0.1 / Va: 0 / Vd: 0 Ma / Mi and cladosporiosis.
Agricultural technology.
After fruit set on the first 2-3 brushes, it is necessary to adjust the growth of the plant in the phase of the beginning of fruit ripening. At this time, the plant must be provided with mineral nutrition, timely sufficient watering. Plants are planted 2-4 pieces per 1 m2. Immediately after the garter, the plants begin to form.
Indeterminate tomatoes are formed into one stem, with the removal of stepchildren. Weekly wrap the tops of the plant around the twine (clockwise only). At the time of the beginning of ripening on the next inflorescence, all leaves that are located below should be removed. The tomato begins to bear fruit in 2-2.5 months, it is advisable to harvest the fruits in blange maturity, which accelerates the ripening of the rest.

* How to shape tomatoes?
The formation of tomato plants consists of timely removal of side shoots, gradual removal of leaves under each filling fruit brush. First, this operation is carried out under the first, then the second, and so on, until all fruit brushes on the stem are exposed. Above the last brush on the bush, 3-4 leaves are left and the top of the plant is pinched.
The optimal time for this is the end of July. At the same time as pinching, all flowers and buds are torn off on the plant.

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